The core of our being is the act of perceiving, and the magic of our being is the act of awareness. Perception and awareness are a single, functional, inextricable unit. Carlos Castaneda

L'essenza del nostro essere è la percezione, la magia del nostro essere è la consapevolezza. Percezione e consapevolezza formano un'unica, funzionale, inestricabile unità. Carlos Castaneda

L'essence de notre être est la perception, la magie de notre être réside dans notre conscience. Perception et conscience forment une seule, fonctionnelle, inextricable unité. Carlos Castaneda

Half English and half Swiss, I have lived in England, France and Switzerland before coming to Italy. In the seventies and eighties worked in the studios as a solo singer or for vocal backings (mostly commercials: Coca-cola Italy, Xmas Coca-cola Italy, Fiat, Seven-up, etc...). I have also studied operatic singing with Claudia Biadi Nizza and Gabriella Rossi and got a diploma at the Civica Scuola di Musica in Milan as a contralto. Started teaching voice technique.
👉My first book 'LA VOCE, tecnica e storia del canto dal gregoriano al rock' was published by Franco Muzzio Editore in 1985.
👉I have been practicing Meditation since the late eighties (Kriya yoga, breathing, recapitulation) and have gradually transferred what I was learning into my singing technique. My second book 'L'ANIMA NELLA VOCE' was published in 2006 by Urra-Apogeo (Feltrinelli group) and relates about what I discovered. So my working activity mostly consists now in teaching voice technique and using it as a bridge to help the awakening of consciousness and improve quality life. I am interested in all voice problems which, for me reflect the conflicts we often go through
and have to come to terms with, sooner or later...
👉My first book now titled 'LA VOCE, tecnica storia e consapevolezza del canto' was republished in September 2011 (Emmebi Edizioni-Firenze).
👉In October 2020 I have published a new book, a novel situated in the 18th century:
"LA VITA INSOLITA DI MR. ADAM ARCHER" An English version is also available (more infos in: singing & books
👉In November 2022, here comes a new book for young Italian readers:
"LORD DRAGO BLU, avventure nel mondo dei sogni", see flyer in singing & books
👉July 2023, my Italian translation of Karl May's most famous book:
"WINNETOU, Capo degli Apache -Volume I
more infos in: singing & books
👉May 2024, another Italian translation of a Karl May's book:
infos in: singing & books
👉My working activity also consists in collaborating with a well known italian music publishing house as a professional music engraver and translator. (see pro skills and credits)
[Occasionally, I work for musical productions as a vocal coach or writing vocal backings. Also interested in video creations (see in video making).]